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Nicaragua Las Delicious Javanica Anaerobic Natural Low Temperature Fermentation

Las Delicious is a farm that won 4th place in the Washed Javanica category at the 2017 Cup of Excellence. It is located on a high cliff overlooking Lake Apanas in Jinotega, northern Nicaragua. The road to the farm is so steep that you could fall off, and you can see the hardships that were faced when the farm was first developed.
This farm produces excellent coffee thanks to its ideal cool climate and volcanic ash soil.

Javanica is a selection of Java originating from Ethiopian native species, and was born from the research of the Mielich family, who owns this farm. Javanica was born as a result of repeated selection of Java that is resistant to diseases and pests. It is a variety with excellent cup quality, with a clean and elegant flavor.

Anaerobic at Low Temperature

The Mielich family began experimenting with anaerobic fermentation from crop 18/19. In collaboration with Paul Songer & Associates, they verified the changes in flavor caused by different processes. They found that while regular anaerobic fermentation imparts flavors of brown spices such as cinnamon, cloves, and brown sugar, low-temperature anaerobic fermentation produces a cleaner acidity and flavor.
Regular anaerobic fermentation is carried out in a dry mill warehouse with an average temperature of 24°C to 26°C, and the room temperature is affected by the outside weather. However, in "low-temperature anaerobic fermentation," management and fermentation are carried out in a low-temperature warehouse where the room temperature is kept at 6°C to 10°C. In summer, Nicaragua can reach 38°C, so being able to maintain a constant room temperature also leads to stable quality. By keeping the temperature low, the fermentation rate of the coffee cherries slows down, and we have succeeded in extending the fermentation time while reducing the risk of over-fermentation. As a result, we have been able to produce a clean acidity and flavor without compromising the sweetness.
Our skilled pickers use their eyes and experience to select the perfectly ripe coffee cherries, which are then placed into steel tanks, with careful checks to ensure that the tanks are completely sealed.
The tank has an airlock in the center of the lid, which allows the carbon dioxide produced during fermentation and the oxygen remaining in the tank to escape. The tank is then kept in this state for at least 48 hours in a low-temperature storage room at 6°C to 10°C. After that, the coffee cherries are removed and dried in the sun for 4 to 5 days, then dried on a shaded bed for about a month.


Region:Jinotega, Lipululo

Variety: Javanica

Producer:Las Delicias/Eleane Mierisch

Altitude: 1,260-1,450m

Process:Anaerobic Natural At Low Temp

Taste: Blueberry, Orange, Pineapple, Winey, Clean, Smooth

Country of Origin: Nicaragua

Production area: Hinotega, Ripullo

Variety: Javanica

Producer: Las Delicious Farm/Elijn Mielich

Elevation: 1,260 - 1,450m

Processing method: Anaerobic natural, low temperature fermentation

Taste: Blueberry, orange, pineapple, winey, clean, smooth


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